Enter this blog. I thought it would be a great idea to start the new year fresh and focus on things I enjoyed doing. I wanted to set some goals for myself throughout the year and really stick to them. I plan to write a post every day or every other day to hold myself accountable to my goals and keep me on track. I'm on a journey to become more creative, and while writing is not my main passion, it's definitely something I'd like to improve upon and grow in.
I should probably introduce myself! My name is Jessica, and I live in Florida. I am currently a full time college student, majoring in Health Services Administration with only 2 semesters left until graduation (Halleljuah!). As I said, I'm not entirely sold on the Healthcare industry, but at the time of choosing a major I had no idea what I wanted to pursue so I thought health care would be a safe and secure industry.
Lately I look back at that decision and I think to myself, 'What in the hell was I thinking?' If you want to live a life of passion and happiness, most decisions made shouldn't start with feeling safe and secure. As I was bored with school and flipping through the internet I realized my passion for creativity. I've always known I was a creative being, and also extremely visual. I learn visually, and am attracted to aesthetics. I found myself slowly becoming obsessed with graphic design, and web design. Typography and patterns and prints, oh I can't get enough. Being so close to finishing school, I decided it would be foolish to throw away this degree (and money spent towards it) that I've been working on. I'm going to finish out this degree and possibly turn around and get another degree! Who knows, maybe I will just jump straight into the field as there is so much information to be found on the internet.
I'm so stoked to get this degree over with and begin a lifetime of creativity. This blog should be a great start.
I'm going to head off to bed now. I need to get some rest as I want to test out my new GoPro tomorrow on a morning bike ride. Who knows, maybe I will share it with you guys?
Good night and sleep tight,
Jess xoxo
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